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Chiropractic Treats

Local Chiropractic Health Care

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Services Provided:

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care involves a thorough neurologic, orthopaedic and Chiropractic specific assessment of your spine, body and nervous system. After finding your diagnosis your Chiropractor will begin Treatment of your neuromusculoskeletal system. Whilst in the clinic this involves Chiropractic adjustments and various soft tissue techniques such as deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy. Here at Chiropractic Treats we know that active/home care plays an important role in both injury recovery and ongoing health and physical function, this means that when you are ready your Chiropractor (Dr Erin) will prescribe & provide you with a specific exercise &/or stretching routine tailored to your exact needs and goals.

Depending on your current situation & diagnosis Chiropractic Care can also involve Health Coaching such as nutritional advice, stress management advice, necessary co-management referrals & training advice.

Chiropractic Care is gentle, safe, recommended and successfully administered & adaptable to individuals of any age & stage. (Eg: Bubbas, Mamas, Dads, Grandparents, Athletes, Couch Potatoes, Rocket Scientists, Farmers (you name it). Your Chiropractor treats everyone differently in the manner most suited to your individual condition.

Chiropractic Care is effective for diagnosis  and treatment of:


  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Jaw Pain

  • Shin Splints

  • Bad Posture

  • Hip Pain

  • Children, adults and infants

  • Muscle Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Feet issues including 'flat feet'

  • Rib issues

  • Neurologic issues 

  • Disc injuries

  • Neuropathic Pain

  • Sports injuries

  • General physical fitness goals/improvement of function

  • Low back pain

  • Middle back pain

Massage Therapy


Erin believes in giving thorough treatments, basically doing as much as she can for you in your appointment, more often than not, this means that after your adjustment Erin will perform soft tissue work (massage therapy) on relevant tight muscles. (Common ones include shoulders, glutes, neck, hips, mid back and low back).

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Chiropractic Treats is on Facebook and Instagram and I regularly share health tips & advice, Chiropractic & general info and some humour (though can't guarantee it's funny) through posts, videos & photos.

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Dr Erin Conway
Chiropractor & Director of CT

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Dr Erin Conway






Erin is a New Zealand born Australian. Coming to Aus at the age of 8 and starting off her Australian life in the Bayside suburb of Hampton her family slowly moved down the coast via Mount Eliza to eventually land in Rye and complete her high schooling there.


As a youngster Erin was very athletic competing in gymnastics, running and tennis as her top three favourites at high levels. This initially lead her to follow a career in Clinical Exercise Science and Human Movement which she studied at Victoria University prior to moving over into the Chiropractic world. As Erin got older and studied more about the human body she realised the importance of preventative healthcare focusing on the improvement of the function of the body's already amazing abilities. This is how her Chiropractic Journey began. Starting in Elwood where Erin lived in her early 20's she worked as a receptionist for an amazing wellness Chiropractor on Ormond Rd.The rest is history and we don't want to bore you too much so we'll leave it at that.


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Given Erin's enormous amount of study in the areas of physical activity she is fantastically well equipped in helping you not only achieve your pain management goals in terms of what treatment she gives you in the clinic (Chiropractic Adjustments & Massage)


BUT also to provide exercise as a tool for healing long term injuries. This covers basically all neuromuscoloskeletal issues and injuries. To simplify that word for you here are some prime examples of what Erin can do for you: headache mgmt,  hip/groin problems, neck pain, low back pain, sciatica knee problems and shoulder issues. Not to mention long standing postural problems including scoliosis. This means that not only are the appointments at CT nice and long but overall you will see her less and for a shorter amount of time that what you may have previously experienced at a Chiropractic Clinic.


Although Erin finds the physical movement stuff as a second nature, her other passions include the great amount of benefit Chiropractic Care can have on your overall level of health and wellbeing. Book now to find out more of what she can do for you

Erin acts as the receptionist, marketing manager, social media adviser, director of operations, ceo and sole practitioner of her busy little clinic in Mornington. 


A big job you say, click on the "meet the team" heading at the top of the page to read more about why the relaxed beachy girl from Rye took on such a big role in her career.

Back Massage

Techniques Used at Chiropractic Treats

  • Chiropractic Manual adjusting (where you sometimes hear the infamous 'cracking' sound)

  • Low force Chiropractic Adjustments (various tools and techniques involving mobilising joints, generally without the 'cracking' noise)

  • Soft Tissue Therapies (Dr Erin will generally perform some form of this in your appointment-similar to massage but a bit more specific and heavier

  • Exercise prescriptions-your Chiropractor (Dr Erin) will inevitably provide you with an individual exercise prescription using the state of the art digital program "Physi-Track"-an easy to use website (or app) if you wish to download involving video descriptions so you remember to do your exercises/stretches (no excuses here ;) ) *your routine can also be printed in the clinic if you prefer

  • X-rays/Radiographs. It is deemed necessary for you to have certain areas of your spine viewed then you will be referred for bulk billing scans so you won't be left hundreds of dollars out of pocket. Some reasons for scanning include assessment of various forms of arthritis, suspected fractures.

  • Dr Erin will always take onboard patient preference in her treatments


Appointment Booking Options & How to Contact us:

Click on link below to Book Your Treatment  In Today:

Clinic Phone Number:


Clinic Email:


* Please note: You can use either of these booking options to book your appointment at Chiropractic Treats


Location:      Hours of Operation:     Appt times:


Studio 8,
20 Milgate Drive Mornington (Above Blackspot Gallery), 3931

Monday's: 9am-6pm
Wednesday's: 9am-6pm
Thursday's: 3pm-6pm
Friday's: 9am-5pm

*Please note that this excludes Public Holidays

First Appointment:

1 hr-ish, sometimes longer depending on your case


Concurrent appointments after the first:

30 minutes (slightly longer than you may find in other clinics due to Erin providing soft tissue work and exercises as well as just adjusting).

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